
FACE-TO-FACE & one-to-one psychological therapy FOR people aged 18 & over, IN EXETER

Are you interested in therapy, but not sure where to start?

I understand that taking the first step into therapy can be daunting & confusing. - Let’s explore the different options that I offer to see what might work best for you

Psychological therapy can be a key to improving your mental health. My training & experience mean that I can offer a range of proven psychological ‘talking therapies’ along with other evidence-based psychological methods. There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach with me - I provide a bespoke service tailored to your unique situation.

If you are finding aspects of life challenging due to living with a health condition or you are supporting a loved one living with a health condition, I may be able to support you. My training also means I can support people with a range of other mental health struggles or people who are generally seeking to bolster their emotional well-being, balance & resilience in the face of life’s challenges.

Individual therapy sessions provide a safe, confidential & non-judgemental time to talk together about any experiences you might be having that you are finding difficult to manage. I aim to help you to overcome emotional challenges & to unlock new ways of coping.

When trauma, anxiety, physical health or pain rule your world, therapy can help to reconnect you to your deepest self & to the things that matter to you. Together, we can work towards finding a way through your difficulties so that you, rather than your symptoms, are running your life.

How can therapy help?




Resolving the hurts of the PAST


Finding ways through the pain in the PRESENT


Connecting to your strengths & your path for the FUTURE



Hi, I’m Rebecca,

It's important to find a therapist that you can open up to, who understands where you're coming from & helps you to feel safe & supported. Finding someone that you feel comfortable talking to can make a world of difference in your therapy experience. A good therapeutic relationship is really important: In fact, studies tell us that the best predictor of successful therapy is a great connection between therapist & client.

I understand that opening up to someone you don’t know can feel strange & aim to help you do this at a pace that works for you. I’ll seek to put you at ease & assure you that you only have to talk about what you want to talk about - but the more you're able to share, the easier it will be to find out what will work best for you. Although it’s normal to feel anxious about this first phase, many people find that it can feel therapeutic in itself to feel heard & understood. Find more information about what to expect at a first appointment here.

So, what are the steps in therapy?



Free 15-minute introductory telephone meeting

I offer a free no-obligation 15-minute telephone call to discuss your needs, & answer any questions you may have. It’s also a chance for us to see if we are a good ‘fit’ to work together.



Your initial assessment session

If we agree to proceed following your free consultation, I’ll then invite you to make an appointment with me for an initial assessment. The aim of this is to understand more about you, your situation & your concerns so that we can decide on the best way forward & you can be informed to make decisions about your therapy. It normally involves one or two meetings.

We’ll talk together about the reasons that you have come to therapy in more detail. We’ll discuss the impact of your difficulties, explore what may be contributing to them & look at how you are currently managing. I’ll ask a bit about your life & experiences & talk with you about how you feel, think & behave. I’ll ask about any therapy you have had previously & what has been helpful - or unhelpful in the past.

Once we have some shared sense of your difficulties, we can talk together about the options for the next steps. I will aim to share my recommendations on which therapy approach might best suit your needs & preferences. I’ll seek to give you the information you need to decide whether you want to go forward with ongoing therapy sessions with me. If I believe that psychological therapy with me would not be helpful, I will advise you on alternative sources of help, where possible.



Your ongoing therapy sessions

In this next stage, we’ll work towards your agreed therapy goals over a series of sessions. The nature of the therapy sessions will depend on the approach that we have agreed on together. The focus will vary according to your needs: Sometimes it might be on finding new ways of managing alongside the uncertainty & difficulties that you are facing in the present or the future. Or it might work on resolving distress from the past if this is useful to you.

Private therapy sessions normally last for one hour & typically take place once a week for several months, or longer. The length of the treatment will depend on the severity of the problem. This is something we will review at regular intervals to ensure that you are making the progress you would like to make, & to ensure that therapy is still helpful for you. We’ll plan the ending of your sessions carefully together so that the process of finishing our work can be helpful to you.

What can therapy involve?

There can be many aspects to therapy, with different approaches emphasising some of these elements more than others:

  • Sharing your feelings & processing them in a safe & supportive relationship. Feeling heard & understood by your therapist.

  • Gaining deeper insight into the issues you face.

  • Learning more about your condition & gaining an understanding of why you may be experiencing ongoing pain &/or emotional difficulties.

  • Discovering more about your nervous system & mind-body links to be able to work with these in helpful ways.

  • Finding new skills & strategies to manage your feelings, thoughts, behaviour & physical difficulties.

  • Practicing breathing, relaxation, basic mindfulness meditation & imagery exercises.

  • Building your compassion, care & connection with yourself & your world.

  • Changing underlying patterns of beliefs & habits that keep you stuck.

  • Working through upsetting memories & feelings & beginning to ‘heal’ from trauma

  • Helping you restore yourself by exploring different facets of who you are & what you value.

  • Supporting you to find direction & reengage with meaningful activities in your life.

  • Practicing your new learning, skills & insights between sessions.


I provide a range of therapies:



Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)

Promotes mental health by helping you to develop the skills & attributes of compassion. CFT is especially useful for those who criticise themselves heavily or struggle with shame. Learning to quiet your inner critic & better understand your struggles supports you to develop warmth, care & kindness towards yourself & others. This approach helps you find inner balance & builds your courage to face life’s challenges.



Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Offers a range of strategies to help you to find ways of being with any difficult thoughts, feelings, symptoms, or experiences that you cannot change. It also encourages increased commitment to activities that enable you to live a meaningful life that you value. This includes approaches such as Mindfulness.



Schema Therapy

Combines several psychotherapy techniques used in some depth. The focus is on getting to the root of problems & changing any unhelpful patterns of beliefs, emotions & behaviours underpinning current problems. This approach helps address unmet needs & difficult beliefs about yourself. This can include working through the effects of trauma.



Trauma Therapy

Trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy, is a form of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) specifically adapted for post-traumatic stress problems. It is often combined with Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)



Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

CBT is based on the idea that how we think about experiences, bodily sensations & situations can affect the way we feel & behave. Emphasis is on changing thoughts & behaviours to change how you are feeling emotionally & physically.



Integrative Therapy

Involves the combination of elements of other therapies & proven treatments to produce a bespoke & personalised treatment plan built around you.

I’m here to help you understand the options & discuss which therapy approach & service bests suit your needs & preferences


I offer face-to-face appointments in two different clinic locations in central Exeter, UK


  • Clinical Psychologists - ACP UK

  • See my blog on this here.

  • It is not uncommon for people to try a few courses of therapy until they find a type of therapy that is helpful, & a therapist who they feel comfortable with.

    We would like to talk with you about your previous experience of therapy & what you would like to be different this time, so that this experience is more helpful for you. If you, or we, feel that we cannot help you with your difficulties, we will try to advise you on alternative options for help, where possible.

  • No sorry, currently, I only provide appointments in person.

  • One-to-one sessions are typically 60 minutes long though may occasionally be longer or shorter if this is required & agreed with you. Group sessions can be longer than this.

  • We typically offer weekly sessions, & sometimes fortnightly. You will have a chance to discuss and agree the frequency of your sessions with your therapist at initial consultation.

  • Unfortunately, I am not able to provide a crisis service. If you need help urgently please click HERE for details of where to get help.

  • The length of therapy will depend on the nature of your difficulties, & the way that we decide to address these. In our first session, we can think together about a treatment plan & estimate how many sessions are likely to be necessary. I offer both short-term therapy & longer-term therapy, depending on your needs & preference. Short term work often involves between 12 - 20 sessions. It is often helpful to commit to 6 initially to see how you find these, before deciding on further sessions. We will come to an agreement regarding the duration of our work together & will be reviewing our progress on an ongoing basis.

  • Contact with clients is by booked appointments only. This is so that I can fulfil my commitments to all clients who book to see me, & maintain my professional boundaries with clients. If you need more frequent contact than the planned sessions, or you have other needs, this may suggest I am not the right service for you, and you should contact your Doctor for more urgent help.

  • If you need to cancel or rearrange an appointment, please let your therapist know as soon as possible. If you are able to give 48 hours notice, there is no cancellation fee. Cancellations made the day before your appointment will be charged at 50% of the session fee. Less than 24 hours notice will be charged the full rate. Where possible, we will try to rearrange your appointment as soon as possible.

  • It is important to attend sessions regularly to help you make progress with your difficulties. Of course, sometimes unforeseen circumstances do arise in our lives leading to difficulties attending. If this is a regular pattern, it may be important for us to discuss this together as it will mean your therapy is less likely to be helpful to you in the long run. .If you would like to take a break in therapy, for whatever reason, that is absolutely fine. You can discuss the possibility of restarting sessions with your therapist at a later date. However, your therapist cannot hold your slot open for your return as this might need to be offered to someone else who is waiting for therapy. If and when you return, your name will be added to the waiting list, and you will be informed when there is another slot available. Please see my information on fees & Terms & Conditions to learn about my cancellation fees

  • If you would like to take a break in therapy, for whatever reason, that is absolutely fine. You can discuss the possibility of restarting sessions with your therapist at a later date. However, your therapist cannot hold your slot open for your return as this might need to be offered to someone else who is waiting for therapy. If and when you return, your name will be added to the waiting list, and you will be informed when there is another slot available.

  • Talk to your therapist when you want to stop working with them. You can think about whether it’s the right time to end & plan how& when to stop. It’s best not to stop abruptly if that’s possible. Sometimes therapy can make you feel very unsettled & this can be difficult to cope with. If this happens you can speak to your therapist about what is happening so that they can support you.  

  • Yes, what you discuss with your therapist will be confidential. The only time confidentiality will be breached is if you disclose any information that makes your therapist concerned that you, another adult, or a child, are at serious risk. Whenever possible, we will aim to share our concerns with you before notifying relevant parties (e.g. your GP).

    It is also a professional requirement for your psychologist to engage in regular clinical supervision - so, information about you may sometimes be shared with a supervisor in order to optimise your care. Such discussions are anonymised the supervisor would not have access to client-identifying details.

  • We do all that we can to keep your information safe & secure. I am professionally required to keep brief session records. These are stored electronically & in line with UK-General Data Protection Regulation (UK-GDPR) requirements. Client names would be visible to those supporting the service with financial reporting, such as an accountant, but no clinical information would be visible in this context. See my privacy policy for full details.

  • If you would prefer treatment under the NHS, I recommend that you speak to your GP about what the options are in your area. Further information about services that you can self-refer to & free help & support are provided HERE.

  • Our aim is to ensure the provision of a high quality psychological service in accordance with the ethical & professional guidelines of the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) & the British Psychological Society (BPS). If you have any concerns about the service we provide, we would like to hear about them, so please speak to us, or email We will address your concerns in the best possible way we can. If you are still dissatisfied that your concerns have not been addressed, you may wish to take this up with our regulator the HCPC.

  • Please see my blog HERE on what to expect.

Get Started

I offer a free 15-minute telephone call to discuss your needs, & answer any questions you may have. It’s also a chance for us to see if we are a good ‘fit’ to work together.