Climate Psychology


Building our capacities for restoration & resilience in the face of the Climate Crisis: Sustaining our mental & planetary health.

Climate Psychology

Over the years, many of my clients have taught me of the solace & strength that they have found through reconnection with the natural world - connection that has helped them to manage their emotional & physical difficulties. Likewise, I know that my own love of Nature has strengthened & supported me through tough times.

Many people are now understandably & profoundly concerned about the climate crisis & its impact on all that sustains us in mind, body & spirit. People commonly describe experiences of anxiety, grief, sadness, guilt, anger & a host of other emotions in relation to the changes in climate & the impacts on the places, people, animals & plants that we hold dear.

The weight of scientific evidence shows climate change to be a huge threat to both human well-being & planetary health. Studies are increasingly highlighting the impacts of the climate on mental & physical health, whilst it’s also clear that our psychology in turn impacts our ability to take actions for the climate & to cope with the crises we are facing.

The health of our planet & the natural world are delicately intertwined with our physical & emotional health. As a clinical & community psychologist, I’m always keen to understand how our experiences are interlinked with our environments: It is this that fuels my developing interest in the emerging field of Climate Psychology.



At the heart of my approach…

I seek to apply the knowledge & experience that I have in managing uncertainty, difficult emotions & long-term health challenges to the enduring challenges of our ailing planetary health. I’m keen to work with people to build & sustain our capacity to cope with & respond to the climate crisis. This involves our ability to transform as individuals & as communities. I believe that central to this is the process of finding balance within ourselves, between each other & the natural world of which we are a part.

I am certified as a ‘Climate-Aware’ therapist, so I approach climate distress as a natural response to the unfolding climate situation, rather than a sign of ‘mental illness’. I’ve worked with Climate Scientists & also with Creative Artists on ways of managing climate distress & supporting others to do so; I am co-chair of the Association of Clinical Psychology UK Climate Action Network & I’m also part of a local group of facilitators running free Climate Cafes in the community, having trained to do this with the Climate Psychology Alliance of which I am a member. I have completed training through the Climate Psychology Certificate Program, at the California Institute of Integral Studies in California, USA.

Elephants in stilettos - The impact of holding reflective space for others. Dr Becky Chasey - YouTube

Listen to Dr Becky Chasey, presenting her talk about the impact of holding reflective space for others. Recorded with Art & Energy in May 2023 as part of the Art & Agency project exploring eco-anxiety & creativity in partnership with the University of Exeter.

“ a huge thanks for being a wonderful part of the panel, your calm & thoughtful contributions were so welcome.

— Met Office, 2023, following my participation in their mental health panel of experts.


  • The Climate Psychology Alliance offer free resources to support people with climate distress. Additional resources can be found here

  • In this emerging field, I have attended numerous talks & workshops & continue to grow, learn & contribute, working together with others to find ways of sustaining ourselves & mitigating harms in these uncharted territories. I stay abreast of the developing research in the field, have attended many workshops & have completed the extensive 10-day accredited course in Climate Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, USA. I am currently undertaking further studies with the Open University & Climate Psychology Alliance.

Let’s connect

Please get in touch & let’s talk about how we may be able to work together on climate concerns.