Compassionate Mind Training Group

Want to build your resilience & wellbeing?

Let me help you or your group:

  • Train up your inner strength to help you manage challenging experiences in life & work

  • Better understand how your brain works, so you can work with your emotions more effectively.

  • Develop your capacity to build your compassion where it’s most needed, both for your self & others.

I am a Certified Facilitator of the 8 week Compassionate Mind Training programme developed by Balanced Minds. You can find more details of this proven science based training on our training website here, along with details of groups currently running.

Let’s talk about how I can bring Compassionate Mind Training to help your group or team.

What Participants Have Said:


“I would not hesitate to recommend this course. There is a fantastic balance of psychoeducation, experiential practice, & discussion & signposting to the evidence-base. I can confidently say I have benefitted personally & professionally in attending this course.”

“I don’t think I can fully recognise to name just how helpful this course has been yet, as each day that passes since the course ended I am noticing more & more how impactful this course has been.”

“Becky & Claire were very kind and encouraging. They made the environment feel very safe to share information & experiences.”