Integrative Therapy

Personalised, holistic therapy - carefully combining different therapeutic approaches to best suit your needs.

What is Integrative Therapy?

Integrative therapy is an individualized, holistic approach to therapy that combines ideas & techniques from different therapeutic approaches. By tailoring the therapy to the individual, integrative therapists hope to produce the most significant effects.

While integrative therapy is flexible, that doesn't mean that it is without any structure. As your therapist, I’ll be drawing on my experience & knowledge of different therapy approaches to select the most beneficial techniques for you & will integrate these approaches into a cohesive therapeutic experience.

Much of my work as a psychological therapist is integrative. Schema Therapy & Compassion Focused Therapy are both particular types of integrative therapy that combine approaches in particular ways.

What is it like?

The course of treatment may feel more exploratory than other methods with less of a specified schedule or pattern. Multiple techniques may be used within a single session, & the goals and approach to the treatment may be altered as we observe your progress & your needs throughout the treatment process. This is a very collaborative approach & any such shifts are discussed & agreed upon carefully together before being put into action.

Who is it for?

This approach is suited to most difficulties. Combining different approaches can also be helpful for people who have complex or multiple problems.



The main ingredients of integrative therapy:

  • A highly individualised approach.

  • Flexible & less structured than other approaches.

  • The therapy is fitted to you.

  • Rather than focusing on a problem from a single perspective or in isolation, this type of therapy can encourage a broader, more holistic point of view.

  • An approach that takes in many aspects of your experience as a human, including the mind, body, relationships, spirituality, thoughts & emotions.

  • Considers the impact of the world around you, including your social settings, environment, & cultural & political context if this is appropriate.

  • Lots of checking in between you & your therapist about how your therapy is feeling.

  • The therapeutic relationship between you & your therapist is seen as an especially important ingredient of the process of change.


  • People who seek to have a voice in the direction of their therapy, & who view the therapeutic relationship as a partnership, may be especially receptive to an integrative approach.

  • People who prefer a very structured & predictable approach. Your therapist will discuss with you whether this or a more ‘purist’ therapist approach is more likely to be helpful for yo

  • This approach recognises that there is much in common between the many different ‘schools’ of therapy. It uses components of therapies that have proven to be effective. It is based on research that finds that many types of therapy, when competently used, can be effective with no one therapy being ‘better’ than others. It is also founded on research & neuroscience that emphasises the importance of the professional therapeutic relationship in the process of change.

  • As your treatment will be unique to you we will discuss & agree this together.


Get Started

I offer a free no-obligation 15-minute telephone call to discuss your needs, & answer any questions you may have. It’s also a chance for us to see if we are a good ‘fit’ to work together. Please feel free to get in touch to arrange this.