Reflective Practice Groups


Are you keen to support growth, learning & development in your team?

Give your employees the space to reflect on their practice & flourish with professional group facilitation.



‘Reflective practice’ is the process of examining & exploring your experiences & actions to see what can be learned from them.

At Sustain Psychology I understand the toll that working in stressful environments can take on mental well-being. That’s why I create a safe & supportive environment where people can share experiences, process challenges & develop insights into their practice. With regular reflection sessions, your team will have the opportunity to share good practices, to talk through & process difficult experiences & share lessons learned.

I create a space for discussion where everyone can feel heard & supported & freely express themselves without fear of judgment. Reflective conversations promote mental well-being & a growth mindset that allows employees to develop both personally & professionally.

Benefits of Reflective Practice

Reflective practice is evidenced based, & has been shown to improve outcomes for staff & service users. Benefits include:

  • Significant improvements in critical-thinking skills.

  • Enhanced communication skills in teams.

  • Reduced stress.

  • Improved care for service users.

  • A tool for professional development.

  • Increased self-reflection & enhanced reflective thinking in practice.

With these benefits, many employers & managers are encouraging their staff to undertake regular reflection

(Asselin & Fain, 2013; Kim et al, 2013; Paget, 2008; Lutz 2013)


What Does a Reflective Practice Involve?

Gibbs Reflective Practice Cycle

  • Description of the experience

  • Feelings & thoughts about the experience

  • Evaluation of the experience, both good & bad

  • Analysis to make sense of the situation

  • Conclusion about what you learned & what you could have done differently

  • Action plan for how you would deal with similar situations in the future, or general changes you might find appropriate.



Hi, I’m Rebecca,

As an experienced group facilitator, I’d be delighted to help your team develop in their reflective practice. I have enjoyed running groups with a wide variety of people in statutory, educational & public settings. I have seen & experienced firsthand the benefits of reflective practice & am passionate about sharing these. With further training & certification in reflective practice from the Tavistock Clinic, I bring the knowledge & skills to help your team review, reset & recharge. I offer groups online & face to face.

“Reflective practices offer us a way of trying to make sense of the uncertainty in our workplaces & the courage to work competently & ethically at the edge of order & chaos…”

— Ghaye, 2000


  • People attending need to have protected & uninterrupted time to attend sessions in a confidential setting. For face-to-face groups, a room where the group will not be disturbed is required.

  • A skilled facilitator helps the group to feel they can talk safely & reflect deeply without fear of judgment. They understand the dynamics of group discussions & help to keep conversations on task & helpful.

  • A maximum of 8 seems to work best.

  • No, although people can find reflective discussions ‘therapeutic’ it is neither intended nor conducted to be group therapy.

  • The value of reflective practice is widely recognised by professional regulators in health & social care. It is established across educational settings & increasingly valued within community & business organisations too.

  • Generally, groups run every 4-6 weeks & last 1 to 1.5 hours.

Support your staff to learn and flourish with reflective practice groups.